Friday, May 22, 2020

Portapique, N.S. (Eric Woollistcroft/CBC)

Rest In Peace

Human society is as distinctly diverse
in its constituent parts as the misfits and
social deviants that occupy space within.
And no place is without its share of
psychopaths and misanthropes for they
may be anomalies in a race known for its
emotional attachment to others but they
are there in full raging potential. When
on thankfully rare occasions a psychopath
and misanthrope -- for surely the two
elements of nature's disfavour exist in
harmony -- experiences a psychotic rage
the sinister black hatred unadulterated by
empathy or responsibility uses the illegal
weapons of destruction in his secret arsenal
-- his because though women too have
been known to indulge in mass murder 
albeit of a variant type less given to violent
death, simply nudging the Grim Reaper to
its job with poison or killing drugs -- to
embark on a fury of stone cold slaughter 
those known to him and those not would
do best to cower in fearful avoidance.

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