Wednesday, May 13, 2020

All's Right With The World

Its primal function is like none other.
The ancients attributed divinity to its 
presence. We bask in its life-giving
life-sustaining warmth. Birds trill its
praise. Absent its presence growing
matter fails to erupt from the warming
soil. Its appearance illuminates our lives.
When it rises so do our expectations.
When it sets we are enveloped in the
bleak darkness of fear. Our dependence
on its regal prominence in a benevolent
tour of a wide blue firmament capping
our world is paramount to existence. We
have life as nature ordained it because
one of her sons has been assigned the duty
to parent us. The slender fingers of its
rays penetrating the forest canopy gently
taps warmth on all that flourishes. In the 
fields, the flush of warmth on the farmer's
back is reminiscent of its power over all 
that is and ever has been and will be.

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