Friday, May 1, 2020


This is your government/s calling. Not to 
seem impolite but there are certain verities 
now to be emphasized in a sudden new world 
we have inherited. Your mucous membranes 
are your very own affair. Keep it that way. 
Lubricating emissions from facial orifices 
whether by song or sage advice are no longer 
part and parcel of social fare. The dulcet tones 
of your voice must henceforth be muted -- at 
a distance. Verbal dexterity is admirable and 
texting is its mode of transfer. Do not abridge 
the distances recommended. Do not have the 
temerity to disobey health authorities and 
municipal bylaws for the penalties will be 
swift and painful. You may remain in the 
comfort of your home surrounded -- or not 
-- by meaningful others. You may not exit 
that domicile other than for vital affairs which 
must be brief and necessary. Furthermore 
we regret to inform you that access to various 
venues are off limits for ... the duration. Gyms
public parks, pubs and restaurants, hairdressers
golf, sport arenas, concert halls, museums, art
galleries, libraries, colleges and schools. There
are rules to be followed. You are not to gather
but you may contact us when you see others
that do. You must not: have a heart attack
contract cancer, be seized with a stroke, feign
appendicitis for our hospitals have geared for a
crisis. On the other  hand you may become
infected with COVID-19 in which case you
will be welcomed at your local hospital 
emergency room. Be well, stay safe. Over and 
out.Your faithful servants, here to help you.

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