Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Love Affair


When love is new, fresh and exciting

the exhilaration and expectation become

headily intoxicating as we familiarize

ourselves with the moods and moves of

the object of our loving care, viewing

attributes leading to emotional attachment

through the sparkling lenses of fiery stars.

Midway through the dedicated years of

conjoined habitation a subtler sensation 

of comfort and satisfaction overlays the

sensuality of feelings toward the beloved. 

When old age sets in we wonder what might

have happened to the original and pine for

a return to the times when life was far less

complicated and infinitely more rewarding.

And so it is that the garden upon which so

much time and attention was invested becomes

worn and weary of satisfying our unquenchable

thirst for blooming beauty, becoming cranky

unwilling to satisfy the gardener's whims and

concerns over the thuggish ill-mannered plants

that now argue with their neighbours over

the territorial possession of common ground

apportioned neatly one to the other and the

garden becomes a battleground of disgruntled

vegetation heeding no advice from a mere

human twisting hands in despair over the

nature of irreconcilable negation of order.

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