Friday, September 15, 2023

The Victimizing Victims

Masked PFLP militants (file photo)

There are none so blind as those who will not see

who prefer the view from their very own lens of

sanctimonious justice in holding the victim on an

equal plane with the victimizers and content to accept

the victimizers' version of victimhood at the hands

of those they seek to murder hoping to destroy the

recreation of an ancient nation's resurrected ancestral 

home, coveted by a horde of hostile and violent migrants 

whose own geographies of origin support their terrorism 

against those of a different ethnic source and religion 

in the grim determination to deny return to their origins. 

Yet  it is the broad support of the nations of Western 

democracies who see fit to fund the violent aspirations 

of those who call themselves Palestinians, accepting 

their version of demented victimhood against the 

yearning of the Jews of ancient origins in their own 

ancestral lands, to be left to live in peace and security. 

Funding enabling a UN agency to transfer wealth to the 

Authority that speaks for the Arab usurpers who utilize 

that funding to reward their citizens who respond to 

their incitement to murder Jews in the hopes of destroying 

the dream of Zion. That same leadership that preys on 

its children to pattern them into the same mould of

'resistance' against the Jewish tribe occupying their

own heritage -- in so doing, 'victimizing' intruders

claiming the land as their own in the primitive mode

of territorial aggression and entitlements unto death.

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