Friday, September 29, 2023

It's Seasonal Migratory Route

Its flight path a long and exhausting journey

the great bird returned first to a remembered 

forest coupled with its inherited instinct for 

self-preservation from the winds and snow of 

a northern winter to launch an annual migration

southward. Standing silhouetted in the cool 

running waters of a forest stream as though

contemplating survival linked to seasonal 

withdrawal, its grey and blue feathers winked 

out by the sun's inquisitive rays, it suddenly senses 

an oncoming presence shifting through the forest 

understory and lifts itself awkwardly from 

the water's clinging comfort, legs tucked back

wings outspread, suddenly regally graceful 

as it soars above the forest canopy of autumn

coloured foliage, settled in to roost until the

threat has passed, thence to resume its silent

acquaintance with the stream that will be

its home for as long as fatigue instructs the

bird to remain before resuming its journey.

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