Thursday, September 14, 2023

As The World Turns

Russia Enters China's Monopoly Region: Xi May Be Unhappy as Putin, Kim Jong  Un Come Closer - News18

Stalin had his Mao and his Tito as they set 

out to challenge the world order to free nations 

from the bondage of imperialism and substitute 

total socialist equality as a newer more just version 

of a stable and prosperous world under the imprimatur 

of the power that lay within the Union of Soviet 

Socialist Republics. Ah, but that was then, in the 

old and yellow-curled pages of the past while

a new generation of post-Soviet yearning versus the

Great Power and its associates are proof-positive

that 'the more things change, the more they stay 

the same'. This current era still stokes the embers 

of powerful challenges on the stagnant world order 

with its subtler polemics and grumbling resentments 

equally polarized but yet cohabiting in the great hall

 of the United Nations, that conciliating hypocritical

establishment of diplomatic sanctimony. Where 

Vladimir Putin has his Xi Jinping and both dangle 

the wild card strings of Kim Jong Un whose volatile 

persona will puppet to no other tyrant's manipulations

in favour of his very own aspirations to the position 

of supernaturalism, forgetting that venerable fable 

of the conceit of Icarus flying too close to the sun.


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