Sunday, September 17, 2023

Nature's Infinite Variety

Infinite: Limitless, Nonmeasurable, Boundless, Endless.

As in: no two snowflakes are alike. Nature has invested

in her creatures boundless intersections in genus and

phenotype within a single creation that comprises an

entire evolving, revolving, procreating biological species.

An organism sentient, resilient, creative and numerous

whose elemental bodily characteristics are unchanging 

yet differences abound in form, colour, height, geographic

origin, shaped by environment and culture. In the general

animal kingdom two reproducing sexes yet among them

masculinized females and effeminate males. Did they not

always confound society and themselves differentiating

from that instinctual pattern of genetic survival? Why so

suddenly a revolution in perception claiming a profound

diversity of gender dysphoria as though medical science

is parsing Nature's blueprint as an erring formula? Transient

phase or urgent recognition in enabling transition of a mind

mired in uncertainty and confusion confounding science?

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