Friday, September 1, 2023

Looting The Past

It is the scourge of unsettled minds

that deeply embedded subliminal urge

enshrined in group memory to rage

and to destroy. From the Golden Calf

to Akhenaton's Aton, Bamiyan's Buddha

Rome's ruinous sacking of Jerusalem

and the newly outraged successors to

colonial rule, humanity has excelled in

raging against the past, denying history

wielding the fury of the oppressed to

hammer cultural artefacts as though

their destruction could alter the trajectory

of world events. Yet nothing is sacred

not the resting places of the ancients

buried with their treasures to carry

them royally into the following life

awaiting their arrival. The subconscious

urge to destroy fulfilling a vacuous 

wish to attain power over the once

powerful. Alternately looting the heritage

of subjugated people carrying home in

triumphal procession the sacred relics

of the ancients, clamouring for notice

that the possessors have gained what

others have lost in gainful conquest.

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