Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Ultimate Demagogues

Justin Trudeau spent the additional days in India in the hotel with no engagement with the government.

Narcissists by their very nature they are

extremely dedicated, their entire focus on

the sacred aspiration to elevate themselves

to positions of power and influence as the

ultimate elite of alpha provenance. They

must be viewed on the other hand through 

the identifying lens of predatory sociopaths

whose talents lie in the politics of persuasion

at times forcefully, alternating with unctuous

concern, gathering admiration for the single

minded dedication to the public sphere as

they attest their purpose to be a better society

framed by their conceptions of prosperity

for all, fraudulent as reality marks them to be.

An ego so powerful they cannot conceive of

the world failing to recognize their qualities

holding their personae in the kind of esteem

reserved for revolutionaries. And when their

actions betray the extent of their formulaic

deceptions leading others to recoil from their

dictates and mandates, the veneer of civility

slips as they respond, sneering at their critics

as contemptibly racist, homophobic scum.

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