Thursday, September 21, 2023

Brave New World


They want their children to become literate

just not literate in the sweeping new wave of

gender fluidity and the invitations posed to

curious children to consider how intriguing

it might be to cash in their current gender for

the opposite. And so society is now divided

between those traditionalists who believe that

nature designed its creatures for reproduction

in the unending drama of preservation of the

species, survival carried forward into the eternity

of existence through sex and the sexes. Their

disagreements so profound each rejects the

other, one deriding convention claiming the

best interests of the child are to be what they

imagine, the other claiming the right to be

involved in their child's future as a nurturer

and adviser. Clashing social-cultural ties to the

extent that each names the other in the most

disagreeably disparaging terms. On the one

hand exposing children to the vagaries of being

what you want, on the other don't tell your

parents. Explicit sex stories for pre-literate

toddlers, drag shows to entertain precocious

children, eyes agog at spectacles unlike any

never before imagined, and parents outraged

their parental authority has been breached

mocked and taunted by a sensational new

mode of educating the young to take their

place within a society for whom theatrics and

no-holds-barred sexual license be broadcast

near and far in this Brave New World.  

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