Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Old Battles Never Die Nor Do They Fade Away

Solutions to surmounting the primal

human condition, gifted to humanity

in its creation by a thoughtful nature

whose blueprint of species survival may

have served its original purpose but is

evolutionarily contraindicated in a world

grown tight with a human population that

clings to its geographic origins in its

identity manifestations of ethnicity and

tribal interests where culture, politics

religion and social mores serve to divide

and victimize becomes a fraught dilemma

when countries that regard themselves as

enlightened, stable and accepting pose

as the rescuers of the flotsam surviving

war and famine, tyranny and poverty

through the open gates of immigration

and the receptive haven for refugees all of

whom bring along with their families 

the possession of grievances reflecting

the very persecution and threats they

suffered in their places of origin. Within

their newfound refuges they form their

identity groups fomenting plots and viral

vengeance against polarized-identity

groups also harboured in the shelter of

their new homes nurturing growing issues

of dominant repression one against the

other until finally the haven they yearned

for becomes as disengaged from the

imagined life-aspiring future under the

weight of their collective anomie as those

places from which they have escaped.



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