Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Justin Trudeau's Canada

Insensate to the wounds of history

those for whom pain and suffering 

were spared become negligent in their

observations, liable to confusing the

very reason for a world war, unaware 

of its victims, careless of its aggressors

indifferent to the commission of war crimes

incapable of distinguishing Axis from Allied

heedless of genocide and sacrifices. For

disaffected memory dims with liberty

so hard fought for and gained enabling

the casual glance back if required but not

necessarily required. So it is that a grisly

old soldier with a grim background of 

voluntarily choosing to hate, maim and kill

the helpless targets of a state genocidal pogrom

 can be described as an honourable veteran

whose past is one of courage and honour 

feted as such in the very bosom of a nation

dedicated to justice and freedom. A calamity

of judgement bringing upon itself shocked

attention from those whose memories have not

faded, resonating almost a century later with

the incalculable loss of family and future.

The commission of mindless assault on that

memory revealing a soulless political game 

of theatrical pretense for which no apologies

or recognition of judgemental lapse ensue.

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