Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Whose Time Has Come to Depart


Observation and experience combine unerringly 

to produce maxims to alert those for whom 

the thought has not yet occurred, nor the reality

that give birth to those pithy observations. Even 

in rawnature itself the echo of which is seen in

humanity, those who overstay their welcome

discover just how impatient fondness can be.

On its entry with summer long faded and

autumn prepared to welcome winter, there

was joy and enthusiasm. But as winter grew

old and taciturn, infinitely repeating its long

awaited repertoire grown stale the freshness

that was once virginal snow succumbed to

decline, bleak and grey where the landscape

no longer lauded its designer -- weary of its

lingering presence. In defiance winter took

umbrage and deigned not to abandon its hold

quoting possession representing 9-tenths of the

law of dominion. The fickleness of its welcome

committee wore on its conscience and weeping

winter consigned itself to abandon the season.

Proof positive of that old adage: 'Laugh and the

world laughs with you; Cry and you cry alone.



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