Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Dictatorial Liberal Poseur

They're not like thee and me.

Megalomaniacs live in a world 

of their own, one of their very

own devising. That world is a

school for the privileged and

they the headmaster whose word

must be heeded, obeyed, never 

found wanting, a standard

outmatching any paltry efforts

by others. Egocentricity so utterly

sanctimonious, ethics and morals

go unnoticed since they are what

keeps riffraff in check. This model

of genuine self-absorption adept at

casually instructing others less

generously endowed through birth

and privilege on excellence in fair

governance cannot be embarrassed

with responses that point out his

judgemental lapses creeping into

authoritarianism and abuse simply

for the reason that any who might

criticize his failings are automatically

categorized as intellectual simpletons.

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