Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Not Our War

Protests in Melitpol

Call it semantics, call it doublespeak call it 

hypocrisy yet "This is not our war" betrays the 

universal pledge when the horrified world 

saw images of skeletal remains of a people 

destroyed in a blueprint of state-ordered 

genocide; a war against the existence of Jews 

on the world body. When does 'not our war'

become 'our moral duty' to step forward to save 

a people from extinction? The smug words are 

there; condemnation from a global body whose 

member-states abhor and deplore a despotic 

member-state's brutal assault on a neighbour. 

But intervene to block the bloody carnage? 

When the extremely vital issue of global trade 

and oil and gas exports are involved? Wonderful 

it is that the world has at its lead a powerful 

moral force capable of convincing the free and 

the brave to assemble to forcefully oppose the 

imperialist conquest. But wait: that world power 

appears to have benignly abandoned its pride of 

liberty for others smiling benevolently the while. 

This brave new world now looks on with awe and 

admiration at a people desperately struggling to 

survive a lethal invasion by an indomitable power. 

And everywhere prayers are invoked for their

success, entirely up to themselves, abandoned

to their fate as conflict drags on and a fickle

world looks elsewhere other than Battlefield

Ukraine for its random entertainment.

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