Monday, March 28, 2022

Learning: To Live With It

 The remains of the Retroville Mall after what appeared to be the most powerful explosion yet in the city of Kyiv, Ukraine, on Monday.

Mental health issues now present in epic 

proportions. Once, night was the venue of 

repressed fears sublimated, erupting through 

the sleeping conscious in nightmares of fear 

and loss and danger. Those nightmare visions 

have surfaced unrelentingly now throughout 

our waking hours and we react to the fear and 

the terror and the sheer never-ending onslaughts 

in confusion that addles our emotions stifling

hope in the primal need to survive. Nature's 

calamities, episodic and dramatic stun us

and we struggle with the advice to learn

to live with it. As though humanity has not

always learned to live with it. Despite which

brave hearts convinced themselves that

rescue from uncertainty was nigh forgetting

momentarily in survival anxiety that the

sinister evil that threatens is that posed by

intransigent humanity itself, endlessly

provoking conflict at the behest of cunning

psychopaths elevated to power by mute assent.

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