Thursday, December 2, 2021

What Could Go Wrong?

Image Credit: Kinematic self-replication in reconfigurable organisms research article

Be fruitful, multiply, nature exhorts her creatures

careful to incentivize her more creatively complex 

progeny, the simpler forms left to their own begetting 

processes. And since nature enjoys challenges she 

devised multiple methods of replication to amplify 

the process and delight her sense of mischief. Her 

living organisms owe much to her explosive sparks 

of creativity for which she blueprinted single cells 

and complex gatherings of cells in the production 

of life. From progenitors to their generational 

offspring she studied what her living laboratory 

produced discovering that the most complex and 

intelligent of her creatures could face eradication by

a single-celled animal with a passion for replication

finding its nursery within the inner core of a warm 

and moist abode. Nothing daunts her passion for 

invention as in procreation by fission, budding

fragmentation, spores, propagation, parthenogenesis

sex or hermaphrodition. Until scientists hungry for

discovery stumbled upon stem cell xenobots whose

microscropic mastery at self replication in movement

for which much is foreseen to benefit science and 

humanity. Unless of course, nature has different ideas 

as she mutters the nerve! Trust science, not scientists. 

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