Thursday, December 16, 2021

Sacrilegious Myth-Buster

Santa Claus: Who is to say Santa Claus doesn't exist? - The Economic Times

Can it possibly be other than monstrously

sacrilegious to deliberately and with

malice aforethought spurn and abuse a

child's trust in the sublime, ineffable

presence on this blighted Earth of an

avuncular, red-cheeked, white-bearded

elf who arrives bearing as many gifts as

children's greed can visualize as Christmas

paradise? Furious with the pretense of an

annual celebration of human capriciousness

the bishop extols the virtues of poverty-

sensitive St.Nicholas whose persona Santa

has taken under false pretenses. And when

a child scolds the bishop defending Santa

since his parents assured him the jolly red

elf is absolutely real, he is sent home by said

bishop with a message: your parents lied to you.

Can the world stand by without reaction as

this atrocity occurs leaving children grief-

stricken and disbelieving? Heaven only knows.

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