Monday, December 20, 2021

Call To Arms : Sisters, Arise!

 New Zealand’s Laurel Hubbard makes a lift in the weightlifting final at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia.

Is that then the final word? Women meekly resigned 

to a cunning blow-back after all these years of

asserting women's rights the Great Liberation 

ending in a whimper? Who amongst the outraged males 

shouted 'if you can't beat them, join them' and started

a race to the finish. Are we finished yet? The charge 

that women empowered themselves at the price of 

male pride resonated throughout the civilized world. 

It took a civilized society to lend its sympathy to 

pleas from dissatisfied males that their bodies rejected 

their minds and tearfully their minds were prepared 

to reject their bodies in a female transformation meant 

to level the playing field. Leaving female athletes who

aspired to greatness in their field to meet demands

by sporting committees that trans-females play 

their game in competition for awards where the

natal male configuration, physique and musculature

masquerading as female breezed past the desperate

efforts of those born female to excel in a sport no longer 

theirs, reclaimed by the wolf posing as grandma. 

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