Tuesday, December 21, 2021



To sleep, perchance to dream. For all one

knows the thoughts that inhabit my mind

might also have visited that great literary

titan of historical documentation in drama

and comedy. A keen observer of humanity

confronted with the most mysterious of riddles:

what is it that makes its nightly visits to the

sleeping brain? An alien intruder, a mystic 

force of nature or the body-keeper's very own

submerged memories of another place some

other time? The subconscious playing perplexing

games airing a series of events both unfamiliar

yet with the shadow of familiarity. Is that you

being featured as a principal in a strange and

eerie landscape, or are you merely the observer

detached and remote. If so, why when danger

edges ever closer do you gasp in fear and panic?

What differentiates a dream from a nightscape

intrusion leaving a dim memory and foreboding?

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