Monday, December 6, 2021

Contest ... Contrast

In nation-to-nation relations there are the

diabolically venomous minds that view

others in the stark outline of the enemy

no room for filling in the broader picture

of shared humanity. Those are the minds

using their inheritance of cerebral function

to devise ever more complex and deadly

architecture of violent upheaval aimed

directly toward achieving a goal of mass

extermination to remove the subjects

identified as inimical to the larger goal

of world conquest. The lethal game plays

out with the targets employing intelligence

of a more subtle nature, diabolical in its

clever feints and surgical strikes quietly

orchestrated to destroy not venomous minds 

but the weapons conceived and meant

to be deployed to annihilate those with the

will and intention of survival in the pursuit

of inherent wit over witless self-defeat.



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