Friday, December 10, 2021

Diplomacy, You Say?

Oh, look! How very gracious!

Beijing is being vindicated in its

propaganda farce-saving by the very

country whose citizens were abducted

and held incommunicado on spurious

espionage charges for three years

allowing the Chinese Communist Party

to demonstrate in real life that it means

business when warning its detractors

that criticizing anything Beijing does

from cyber espionage to threatening

a country's sovereignty, or squashing

democracy and then perpetrating cultural

genocide is out of bounds, any manner

of infractions for which will cost the

offenders dearly. And here is Canada's

very own foreign minister throatily and

with full conviction parroting Beijing's

assertions that everything it does is in full

accordance with the law; not internationally

recognized law mind, but Beijing's will do.



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