Friday, December 3, 2021

Have You Heard?

Doctors covering mouth, ears and eyes in hospital

Of the two acronyms take your choice: DIE: 

(diversity, inclusion, equitable) or mayhap

JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, inclusion) 

for you see human evolution is still evolving

and the practise of science and medicine is now

interwoven inextricably with those indices of

human philosophy whereby the world becomes

a far better place. Life can be so complicated in

retrospect when once feeling ill a doctor's visit

was indicated so your symptoms could be analyzed

interpreted and your ailment theoretically diagnosed.

But that was before the halls of academia woke to 

its responsibilities beyond natural science layering 

wisdom with social justice. Think of DIE not quite

as expiring, but a roll of the DIE where you begin

to question whether a visit to the doctor is worth

hearing him expound on the source of your illness

being the poverty of deprivation owing to the colour

of your skin, so absorbed in his exposition he may

forget the diagnosis and you return home while

the symptoms jog on until you end in hospital where

pastors indulging their pastoral duty infuse you with

their gentle words of salvation on the way to death.

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