Monday, November 4, 2019

United In Tyranny

As mutual admiration societies go this 
clique is truly a breed apart and beyond
distinguished not by their particular rarity 
but by their very stranglehold on power 
achieved through measures ruthless and 
without pity. These are the tyrants, dictators 
and strongmen whose exploits history
chronicles as they run amok through the ages 
sacrificing to the alter of supreme power 
competitors who presume their own rigid 
authoritarianism entitles them to ultimate 
control achieving conquest enabling them
in turn to persecute and run rampant over
feeble efforts to limit the carnage in their
wake. Limiting such ongoing oppression
that leaves populations in the throes of stark
impoverishment, disease and conflict is 
feasible it was believed through the simple
introduction of democracy in backward 
nations. Until the very fount of an imperial 
world order took to itself through that vaunted 
ballot box another warped mind absorbed 
with admiration not only for himself but the 
qualities evident in those of his exceptional 
group whose casual dismissal of human rights
and blunt accord in dividing the world between 
them prepared to aid and abet in the business 
of destruction and death the enablers of the 
world's despots gloat with accomplishment.

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