Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rhapsody for Two

They are look-alike siblings, two very
small, sleekly black and adorable little 
dogs, with sharp snouts and velvety hair
who manage by brilliant manoeuvres
to ensure that their human companions
slavishly respond to their every desire.
What could be more accommodating
than dazzle-eyed humans enthralled by
the deep intelligence of two small, lively
creatures who deign to live with them as
companions valued for their novelty and
lovability? And it was only fitting that
when time came to name them as puppies
that Jack and Jill came to mind. Onlookers
are convinced the two are moulded in one
image, but they are not; each is a distinct
individual both in personality and physical
image, though they share enthusiasms with
one another among which is a verifiable
fascination with a changing landscape they
are familiar with deep in a ravine surrounded
by forest which has suddenly and quite
unseasonably become a winter landscape
inviting them to frolic in an ecstasy of 
an unknown force known only to nature.

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