Friday, November 29, 2019

The Last Word

Few among us is capable of reacting
with perfect equanimity when our
considered and rational points of view
are challenged by those interrupting a
conversation to make observations of
their own that turn the conversation in
another direction entirely. Civility does
demand the courtesy of listening but it
does not insist that one respond. On the
other hand if impulse and the conceit of
feeling it required to demonstrate your
understanding of the situation in the
round that response is forthcoming then
you deserve the sniping that follows. In
the event that the third party is having a
very bad day and has turned their cranky
mood in your direction the next salvo
can be more than awkward and puzzling
all the more so when rank is pulled
through the medium of academic 
credentials of which you have none. Yet
you respond as civilly as possible only
to receive yet another snippy comment
far more deserving of terminating the
conversation carried out on line. And
then you sit back awaiting what can only
be another wretched accusation veiled
in scholarly comment, planning this time
to use wit and condescension that would
devastate your interlocutor. You wait.
And you await that opportunity. But it
fails to arrive and opportunity is lost.

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