Monday, November 25, 2019

Lightening Up

They burden the world with their tedious
presence and with a litany of faults so 
numerous they are inexhaustible, far too 
many to count and in their aggregate account 
for the disdain in which they are held and 
always have been, for who among the world's 
inhabitants wishes to live among people so 
cunning and forever scheming that there can 
be no peace, no rest from concerns that the
world may soon succumb to the plots they 
conceive and strive to achieve to the known
detriment of all others. Yet the most irritating
aspect of having them live alongside others 
is habitual whining of being discriminated 
against as though their manner doesn't invite 
just that very thing. For they have no sense of
humour, none whatever, and among their
many other faults is their unforgiving sour
sense of entitlement that slights never come
their way, even when those they accuse of 
the age-old bugbear of anti-Semitism inform
them that the messages they take to be racist
are merely attempts at humour and they really
should you know, make an effort to lighten up.

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