Friday, February 16, 2018

You Too

Be assured, said the wise old woman
hoping to instill a note of hope within the
battered minds of despairing men, women do
love men, and cannot live without them not
merely for reproduction purposes but to share
the joys of carnal exchange and the comforts
of a tender touch, alongside the opportunity
to build a life on mutual interests. Needless
to say, with the exception of those among
both sexes who are vicious monsters and
sometimes those who are just plain stupid
morose and lacking humour. Women adore
the masculinity of men, the nature-enhanced
challenges of adjusting to binary purposed
perceptions from an angle not their own
discovering in the process the angle not so
at variance with their own. As defiantly wild
creatures women crave the physical as well as
the cerebral but never at the expense of being
owned or exploited and reasonably return 
the compliment. What appears confusing to 
men uncertain how to meet a woman's mind
is simply a manifestation of off-putting moments
when unreasonable/reasonable resentments set
in but seldom for the duration. So have due
patience, wait it out if you feel conscionably
that the end has value and the pain a purpose.


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