Friday, February 2, 2018


Beware The Wind

Warning: exercise due caution suited
to the occasion for ravening beasts have
been loosed from their cages and they
roam the forest, free to wreak fear
and discomfort at will. If it is your
will to roam about on this day be well
aware you do so at your peril, so be
advised and take due care. You are
free to wander among the frozen trees
to admire the pristine glow of snow
humped deep on the forest floor, to
note how the waterway in this ravined
forest free just several days earlier is
now encased in ice. You may realize
how still all appears in monotones of
black, grey, white. But yet there is sound
and look upward, the blustering wind
on this freezing winter day is ravaging
and harassing the forest canopy, tree
masts moaning and knocking. have a
care, do, that same tenacious wind can
target human flesh, raking it with the
sharp edge of its teeth, a pitiless beast.

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