Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Meaning In Life

So why are those questions and the answers
considered to be of such moment and gravity?
We exist, therefore we are, the journey primal
and brief. Define the human race? Simple
enough -- it refers to origins, the past, the
entrance to existence; the present, to the future;
itself the completion of the journey. It is the 
present where life and its meanings can be found
and what could be more personal, open to
interpretation than that ... at a level of some
variance for each one of us. The past is what
created the substance and tenor of our unique
existence. And the future, it ebbs and it flows
and consumes us as the present moves us
ineluctably forward to that final distance when
we are no longer aware, have no idea whatever
what awaits yet anticipate the finality of oblivion.

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