Thursday, February 1, 2018

Canine Beatitude : If Only

Nothing ventured, then little gained. In a world
where primitive passions of tribal, clan and
religious suspicion speak of a global pathology
of sociopathic suspicion of the 'other' and
maleficent intentions which must be countered
reflect manifestations of humanity's inability 
to pacify itself toward accepting one another. 
It is a mass psychosis in search of a remedy.
A common language to be established, one
readily understood as a reflection of universal 
values to erase the instinctual reflex of bellicose 
threats followed by violence that we have 
inflicted on the other since time immemorial. 
That remedy, close at hand is yet to be recognized 
for its healing potential in a global experiment 
to release the beast from the psyches of 
humankind. Nature herself who endowed us 
with these instincts for survival at the expense
of harmony among ourselves, has shown us the
way. She has given us companion animals 
upon whom we lavish trust and affection just 
as she designed those animals to place their 
trust and affectionate loyalty in us. With
interaction between humans accompanied 
by companion dogs, peace reigns as people 
develop instant rapport. Absent of hostilities
a social neutrality arises; no one who loves 
a dog represents a host of potential threats
obviating distrust based on plotting harm.


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