Friday, February 23, 2018

Implacable Menace

Savagely discontent in their dedication
to their sole exceptionalism they have
lost themselves in the abyss of hatred
their passion for vengeance spurring
them to sacrifice their young on the
sacred alter of martyrdom teaching the
vulnerable of their duty from cradle to
an early grave that the sacrifice they
accede to so willingly will gain them
entrance to Paradise, that their exploits
in killing will place them on the list
of heroic resisters of an 'occupation'
their leaders have designed in their
endless campaign to restore to themselves
all that they claim has been pillaged
though the heritage is not theirs, for
the antecedents that history recognizes
is that of those whom they strive to
violently depose. Their god in contest
against that of the other, their sacrifice
in resistance to the devotion of their
enemies to a wretched fable of infamous
return to Zion, and they won't have it!

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