Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Cri de Coeur

Isolated, spurned, ridiculed, slandered and
threatened, why would any introspectively
sane human being experiencing all those
symptoms of pure, unadulterated hatred
overlook any opportunity, however remotely
effective, to in turn spurn through their personal
initiative, symbols of those who turn their spite
and aggression against your tribe? Vehemently
and with fully-intended malice, advancing
a pernicious campaign to dehumanize me
and mine in a habitual methodology as
decrepit yet successful as faltering history.
The campaign's viral message promulgated
by regimes whose virulently hateful oppression
of their own merits not one iota of notice nor
yet compassion for those sacrificed to greed
and corruption by the world community
whose propensity to embrace with alacrity
any and all charges of violations of humanity
targeting my community, my brethren and
sisters, my children and theirs exemplifies
the eternal puzzle of conspiratorial pathology
embracing tyranny, vilification, genocide.

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