Saturday, February 24, 2018


Unwilling Martyrs

Language can be a ferocious tool, a
blunt force of sinister intention deployed
with the unerring aim of an expert firing
a deadly weapon in its capacity to warn
that its expression represents merely the
initial attack and more, much more is yet
to evolve with a capacity to extract from
its victim not only the tender sensibility
of offence, but injuries to the flesh joining
the mind in a journey to dark oblivion.
The readily intimidated oblivious to the
warning inherent in being identified in
the discontented camp fail to recognize
themselves in the following descriptive of
terrorist, yet this they mysteriously become
though innocent of thought and intention
and as such the focus of malevolence to
rain upon them whether immobilized by
chemicals or shredded by shrapnel, their
mortal flesh torn beyond repair, minds
floating into the atmosphere never to be
reunited in the miracle of wholeness. Then 
may your soul fly free to take up your
quarrel with god's ineffable language.

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