Thursday, February 8, 2018


Snow Smothered

Somehow you managed to take the
road less travelled and what you see
is extraordinary for your impulse
has introduced you to a gossamer
world where white filaments
suspended from a silver sky spiral
lazily over the atmosphere and
there you are suddenly immersed in
a white fog and everywhere you look
are tall shapes and small shapes
swelling the landscape with white
fluff that a swirling wind whips
from the purchase gained by the
overwhelming drifts of pure, white snow.
In the pale gloom of the forest there is
no sound, the silence emphasizing
a world beyond the familiar. Dimly
recalling dreams of  your childhood
the landscape is magical, soothing
to your senses, bewitching in its
crystalline brilliance and quite
possibly a figment of imagination.

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