Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Unquestioned Faith

Image result for william blake, image of god
William Blake

Unquestioned Faith

What a conundrum it is that the human psyche 
finds no rest within its spirit in the absence of
the recognition of faith in a spiritual and heavenly 
instructor whose divine guidance resonates in 
the human soul with gratitude that such an 
all-powerful spirit, one whose nature it is to 
permit the existence of all that is and to grant
humanity exceptional stewardship of all
creation as the centre of the universal being 
of all that is and will ever be, favoured as they 
are with the instruction to worship none other 
for all are false posing as prophets claiming 
kinship with the almighty one, of whom there
is none other. Peace and loving kindness the 
primary observation of this tender god in whose 
name and thunderously pious injunctions to 
follow and bear witness bringing others to his 
celestial knee, in the process striking the terror 
of anger in no wise suppressed should human 
actions displease the spirit in whose name peace
and loving kindness is proffered to all, even the
misguided, choosing to abstain from serving 
god's will, who for their unfortunate choice must 
vacate life, for what the holy spirit has created 
that same spirit can uncreate, with the avid
helpfulness of those of unquestioned verities.

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