Sunday, January 26, 2020


Shoah .... Desolation

Theirs was the voice of anguish and fear 
echoing spiritual disbelief and confusion
in the agony of yet another rejection
murmuring softly their trust betrayed yet
their proud existence as equals in humanity
before finally turning for compassion
abroad for hope was not yet lost though 
the soul was gravely wounded. Their
obedience to a succession of rules meant
to disenfranchise and strip their humanity 
a gradual exercise in humiliation finally 
attaining the greater purpose in a precision 
clockwork of organized cleansing toward 
the goal of national perfection and conquest 
where expunging the impure and inferior 
was the first order of business to restructure 
a world free of Jews. A voice unheard 
calling to a disinterested audience oblivious 
with its deliberation of non-involvement
revealing a vile shared pathology. A lifetime
later the genocidal perpetrators profess
profound regret, their global audience
applauds and the sinister venom of hatred
that fuelled that genocide is once again
abroad in the resurgent world community.


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