Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bored, Are You?

Just so sick and tired of it all, predictable
and unexciting, all the promise in life
doled out to others with half your talent
and personality and it's just so bloody
infuriating. Well, there's this: for quality
excitement, imagine living in a country
whose dictator has spent years bombing
the hell out of people who don't appreciate
his rule. And then there's the suspense of
living in a tiny country surrounded by
other nations prepared to do just about
anything to destroy you and yours aided
and abetted by paramilitaries for whom
there are no rules not meant to be broken.
Right, you skate like the devil and get
that puck past any goalie and on a soccer
field you're the guy to watch. Your charisma
attracts women like monkeys to bananas
but they're not the elite brand and you're
sick of them. You can't afford the thrill
of climbing the Himalaya, much less 
passage to the moon or a trip to see the
melting glaciers on Antarctica. You haven't
experienced a tornado, a tsunami, a flood
volcanic eruption or earthquake. Life
could be a blast, but for you it's a bust and
the best you can hope for is secluding
yourself with video games emulating
war and natural catastrophes but it's just
not good enough and you rage revenge
on life, so who needs it? Life was all so
different in the good old days of pillage
and conquest and rape and destruction, so
much to live for. So, furtively, off you go.

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