Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Setting Sun

Today's is a hostile wind rousting
and howling through the naked tree
tops of the winter forest canopy.
At this season when half the world
is in mourning for the death of nature's
green growth and the other half of the
world celebrates its luxuriant blooms
memory grows dim in recalling the
brilliant colour that winter has banished
from the landscape, arrogating its reign
preferential in its exquisite presentation
of white, silver and black abolishing
the rainbow-array of dazzling shades
so luminous they inspire birds to sing
paeans to the growing seasons. The
bitter cold, with its knife-edge sharpness
the wind volunteers absorbs the glitter
of snow enthralling as the landscape
becomes. Until nature bestows day's
end with the glorious vision of the
setting sun's rays penetrating the dense
forest, setting dark trees aflame prefacing
the entrance of a short day's dusk.

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