Friday, January 31, 2020

Conform or be Stigmatized

Truly, the ancient sages were wise when they 
placed covetousness among the damned emotions 
motivating humanity against better judgement 
for jealousy and resentment are bred of that 
state of mind and invariably what results does 
no justice to the societal need of the reasonable
social contract that would have us regarding 
others unlike ourselves with perfect equanimity 
and generosity of spirit. Thou shalt not covet
has its place on the tablets of command and
yet we do, for this inheritance is coded into
humanity. Gregarious creatures, we are
anxious to be as like one another as to be
accepted as a clan, all others strange and to
be shunned. Yet even when we are able to
genuinely view others as equals to ourselves
whose flamboyantly visible psyches deviate 
to seek their own sex, insist that what be 
discreet among intimates be visible and 
awarded plaudits, or risk the wretched 
condemnation and persecution they once 
themselves suffered. Cultural heritage 
institutions must now extend beyond serving 
the vast majority of binary pairs to equality 
of recognition in the covenant of the marriage 
bond, and those who will not willingly 
take part in public manifestations of open
sexuality at 'Pride' parades become social 
outcasts in a contradictory reversal of 
social intimidation as cultural outcasts.


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