Saturday, January 25, 2020

Look to Yourself

We are so besotted with ourselves
wallowing in the certainty that we
are unique, none others that live
or have ever lived, or will live
can possibly be as we are. Our
every experience, emotion and
reaction is ours and ours alone. It
is as though our creatrix took endless
time, and thought and effort to pursue
a blueprint ours alone that no other
could conceivably possess. Our
shallow conceit speaks to our love
of self in a way that is never
extended outward to encompass
humanity at large which surely
has its own argument, each and
every one of their own enriched
passions and perceptions that none
others can emulate for it is beyond
their abilities. All of which enable us
to look with covert disdain on all
others though a genius once took
pains to message us all through words
and sentiments of immortal value.
I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? 
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, 
dimensions, senses, affections, 
passions; fed with the same food, 
hurt with the same weapons, 
subject to the same diseases, 
healed by the same means, warmed 
and cooled by the same winter and 
summer as a Christian is? If you 
prick us do we not bleed? 
If you tickle us do we not laugh? 
If you poison us do we not die? 
And if you wrong us shall we not 
revenge? If we are like you in 
the rest, we will resemble you 
in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian,
 what is his humility? Revenge. 
If a Christian wrong a Jew, what 
should his sufferance be by Christian 
example? Why, revenge. The 
villainy you teach me I will execute,
 and it shall go hard but I 
will better the instruction.

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