Thursday, January 30, 2020

Palestinians burn cutouts of U.S. President Donald Trump, State Secretary Mike Pompeo, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 'day of rage' protests across the West Bank, November 26, 2019.

Irrepressible Malcontents

Yowling and howling with the wretched
injustice of it all, these tender flakes
of humanity represent an anomaly
where it has become evident they have
failed the test of social maturity content
as they are, determined as they are to
remain malcontented juveniles forever.
Like children everywhere who seek to
possess what they see others have
and they not, quick to claim their
rightful ownership of all they covet
scornful at suggestions of civility and
the possibility of sharing so that others'
needs too can be accommodated. For
each and every potential solution to their
pouting pique they dissent with rage
then resort to violence reflecting their
reasoning that if they cannot obtain the
objects of their desire then no one shall
and those who occupy their desire must
pay the penance of death at the hands of
the aggrieved. They have lost the sympathy
of onlookers, the support of nearest kin
for their unreconstructed incorrigibility
has wearied all but themselves, left now
to their usual devices of demonic rage
for their unfulfilled aspirational tyranny
expressed in murderous defiance of
the merest scintilla of human decency.

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