Friday, January 17, 2020

Beware The Urban Forest

They are sagacious creatures, bold and
masters of strategy as befits those of
the animal kingdom's predators. Much
after all, depends on their practised
hunting habits, for in their ancestral
habitat they maintain a balance in the
presence of creatures they stalk. They
are also particularly adaptable, since
their once-wild geography was invaded
and with little interest in seeking refuge
from interlopers they have become
extremely skilled at slinking about in
the background making full use of the
same green spaces so valued by other
animal species including man. Human
habitation in close proximity to those
natural places where they can den and
procreate is of little account for they
are also adept at scavenging albeit not
preferentially. Their appearance is
similar to that of the dogs that people
walk in natural settings, oblivious to
the presence of untamed canids though
the dogs detect their presence alerting
themselves that long-distance cousins
are about, seldom imagining themselves
prey. Silently lurk the coyotes awaiting
opportunities; one offering the prospect
of play-time friendly dogs are eager to
indulge in, unaware that others unseen
follow behind fully prepared for action.


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