I Think, Therefore I Am

What peculiar quirks nature has devised in
her impeccable creation, endowing me and
thee with consciousness, awareness, the
capacity to think and to plan, to imagine and
to theorize, exercising cerebral function as
though we are not merely one with nature
but perhaps nature itself. As a powerful
instrument forever challenging understanding
of what, where and how we fit into the world
around us, and how that world exists in a vast
constellation of other worlds, of stars and volatile
gases and minerals revolving and evolving our
thought processes explore the vastness of the
unknown, theorizing and experimenting as
though we were not ourselves merely the dust
of exploding stars but the creator of all that
exists. Imagine this: theoretical physicists
studying quantum mechanics play with the
notion of the unknown of creation and its
sister existence in the wan belief that what
we think of as consciousness is but an illusion
as is the world we inhabit, ourselves included
for without our observance creating that
presence it would not, perforce exist. Really.
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