Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Exhibitionism's Grandeur

This child whose face is perpetually grimed
in a paroxysm of rage will never win a beauty
contest nor be credited with a sweet demeanor
but she has become immensely popular as one
with an aggrieved message to deliver in a
manner quite congruent with her pathology on
the autism spectrum of oppositional defiant
disorder, despising authority so redolent of
adolescent juveniles' resentment of adults'
positioning themselves as authoritarian in the
belief they have the right to regulate children's 
behaviour. Children invest much in their gleeful
assertions that it is adults with their lack of vision
who have disrupted nature's unblemished accounts.
What a different world we now inhabit than might 
have been imagined a half-century ago when 
parents felt assured of the sex revelation of
their offspring at birth, to the very present 
when what you see is not necessarily what you
believe with gender dysphoria representing yet
another life-disruptive issue in the social order
pitting progressive authority against the mere
status of parenthood. Long years past people
were aware of quaintly rare anomalies such as
hermaphroditism and homosexuality and the
attraction to transvestism as an entertaining
novelty, before an entire championship and
celebrated industry arose embracing the 
new reality of errant humanity's fascination 
with the dazzling display of nature's occasional 
deviation from the boring irrelevant ordinary.

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