Monday, December 16, 2019

Winter Arras

Yesterday the wind bellowed through the
forest, whipping snow from branches while
birds fled and animals shivered in their burrows.
Today -- ah today, the wind has transformed
itself from threat to avuncular host whispering
welcome to those who tread the forest pathways
portraying itself as meek and companionable
speaking the language of comity and friendship.
Yet something lingers in the woodland interior
of yesterday's hostility when the surly wind
sent penetratingly icy fingers of painful cold
to remind all that huddled in trepidation and
fear that its power is unlimited and occasional
episodes of theatrical bonhomie do not define
its entire repertoire. Even while the mild and
orderly gusts ruffle the feathery snow dusting
remaining on boughs and branches there is an
aura of disquiet. Dusk has arrived too soon in
heralding night's imminence when under cover
of a black night the wind can plot new excesses
to terrorize its tender victims hoping to survive 
winter's misery. For the meantime a collective
sigh is released from the forest as the heavens
liberate their treasury of translucent crystals 
their inner sparkle brilliantly lighting the sky.

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