Friday, December 6, 2019

Auschwitz Entrance

A Grave Event

There are no graves here. Only the plaintive
wind sounding the cries of sick children their 
hopeless mothers, their spirits roaming the 
infamous grounds still housing the barracks 
and the crematoria the vast ovens that spewed 
human ash over the countryside, nurturing the 
ground replenishing soil in an agrarian countryside.
Countless human lives ended here deliberately
and with malice suffocated by deadly gas but 
graves there are none. The site, its purpose-built 
horror chambers and the surrounding soil a 
testament to humankind's capacity to extend 
itself in a vast exercise of destruction. Walking 
in an atmosphere of hushed introspection the 
current leader of the nation that aspired to rule 
the world and was waylaid by its focus on genocide
strolls alongside the leader of the occupied host 
country on whose soil the colossal affront to 
humanity occurred. One demurring responsibility 
the other sighing at the inhumane blight her nation 
was responsible for. The world is their witness
they abhor the past even as the corrosive events 
of the present creep toward an intended renaissance.

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