Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I was certain I knew what irony was
exemplified by my discussion with an old
acquaintance about built-in obsolescence
in major household appliances manufacturers
feel should last for a decade of use and then
replaced. Perhaps more discretion might have
helped rather than boasting my stove was
a quarter-century old and my dishwasher
just behind it. A week later !kaput! I was 
washing dishes by hand and I've been treating 
my stove with kid gloves ever since. And then 
I read that India is reeling under a cycle of 
drought and inundation with rain events so 
severe massive flooding results, but the 
monsoon timing traditionally relied upon 
for crops to flourish and come to harvest 
are no longer reliable and despite horrendous
amounts of rainfall an acute shortage of 
potable water exists such that mothers refrain 
from even brushing their teeth lest they 
deprive their children from the necessity 
of their own indispensable hygiene habit.

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