Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019 British Brexit

Was ever a people so detested, their
presence decried, their suffering on the
stage of the world so well documented
their numbers modest but accomplishments
so numerous none others are capable of
matching their influence in philosophy
medicine, science, music, literature and
the arts yet even so they are viewed as
utterly detestable; attributable to them as
an unsavoury group a hunger for world
domination in politics, finance, control
of news, all the while monopolizing attention
as the world is riveted by accusations they
savour the blood of babies not of their own
to moisten unleavened flour. Accusations
abound, none too trivial or outrageous to
hang around their collective necks as 
exploiters and monsters who poison wells
never failing to collaborate with fascists
bringing calamitous results in social engineering
on vulnerable populations whose suffering is
so obviously their fault. Their defenders have
been few but notable for the nobility of 
their embrace of justice. That the vaster
majority of a population feels justification 
in pillorying that tribe represents the single
greatest regret of the persevering targets.

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